A brand is an ecosystem of your business. It derives itself as a holistic set of traits and attributes tied to the identity of who you are. It’s is not something you can manufacture, manipulate, or convince others of based on creative and design efforts. However, those tactics play a major role into how you…
Design is a powerful tool to drive business. Design is something far greater than how something looks, the execution of a website design, the colors of your next app, or the look and feel of your last marketing campaign. Design is holistic and encompasses your business at a strategic level. Design is evident in how…
We live in a world where every brand and company is seeking to find new and innovative ways to define your product, service or company. This has become a “fast follow” culture where leaders and executives are exploring new ideas or following the success of others, shifting strategy and trying to keep up with the…
For design to have meaning, purpose or impact, it must extend itself beyond a visual aesthetic and connect with people at a deeper level. Understanding how the mind perceives visual elements in our world will allow design (of any medium) to connect with an audience at a deeper level. Knowing that there is a psychological…
The ego of the self drives us. As a designer, I believe we tend to create from a place where our ego can thrive and become validated. With the ever growing places to post online, gain attention, gather feedback and validation, visual design has been an ego-serving industry. But, I believe the only way to…
Part of this business is the ability to turn out work at a timely rate for clients who need it now, because if you can’t do it, they will find someone who can, and willing. Yes, things take time to custom tailor a clients needs for various projects, but when its a pretty cut and…