Award winning design
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The foundation and design strategy

Design is a powerful tool to drive business. Design is something far greater than how something looks, the execution of a website design, the colors of your next app, or the look and feel of your last marketing campaign. Design is holistic and encompasses your business at a strategic level. Design is evident in how…

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Fostering creativity through leadership

We live in a world where every brand and company is seeking to find new and innovative ways to define your product, service or company. This has become a “fast follow” culture where leaders and executives are exploring new ideas or following the success of others, shifting strategy and trying to keep up with the…

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Design psychology: Gestalt principles

For design to have meaning, purpose or impact, it must extend itself beyond a visual aesthetic and connect with people at a deeper level. Understanding how the mind perceives visual elements in our world will allow design (of any medium) to connect with an audience at a deeper level. Knowing that there is a psychological…

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Death to ego

The ego of the self drives us. As a designer, I believe we tend to create from a place where our ego can thrive and become validated. With the ever growing places to post online, gain attention, gather feedback and validation, visual design has been an ego-serving industry. But, I believe the only way to…

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