The ego of the self drives us. As a designer, I believe we tend to create from a place where our ego can thrive and become validated. With the ever growing places to post online, gain attention, gather feedback and validation, visual design has been an ego-serving industry. But, I believe the only way to…
Metamodernism has been a starting point in my mind to uncover creative solutions for years. Mind mapping thoughts, thinking about problems, and finding new ways to help clients reach their goals has been a journey and a process. This journey has helped me to shape and define my own process, while simultaneously being aware of…
Design requires a large amount of steps, knowledge, understanding, practical application and discipline. Design encompasses a holistic view of a problem and provides the most complex solution (whether minimal, or abstract) the complexity of good design lies within ones ability to see the entire scope of a problem, work through problems and paths that one…
There is a connective path of thinking within design. Whether designing a digital app, a responsive website, a print campaign, a modern home set in the desert, constructing a painting, or leading a team meeting - all of these things are designed. In fact, most every thing we do in life is designed to some…
Creativity is regarded as discovery. In which the artist is discovering things for the first time that already exist. However, my work has yet to be discovered since it has not existed before in history without the accompaniment of medical advancements. Therefore, the execution with the tools painted through unexplored emotions and techniques, as the…
The emotional intelligence of our existence can be understood, altered and designed to suit a better existence. The designer's thinking of this approach leads to us developing a better life and existence for all humanity. Empathy is lacking within our society. The sincerity and concern for our fellow man exists in the notion of impractical…
Design, as it grows into multidisplinary across print, identity and digital mediums becomes more and more closer to art and the designer referred more as an artist due to the lack of clarification on the designers role as practitioner, workman, and thinker in society - both socially and economically. Therefore, this lack of clarity causes…
Design movements seem to swing like a pendulum. Back and forth. Minimalism, modern, sleek design is poised throughout our cultures and societies from the hands of designers across the globe. This ripple effect takes place every few years and we see a shift, well, more like a tidal wave of a certain aesthetic across various…
Throughout my life I learned a few important things. One of them that always has stuck with me is the idea of the importance of the process. No matter what you do, how you do it and how you get there is just as important as the end result. The process is just as important…